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Version: 5.x

MULTI operator

The MULTI operator creates a property that implements selection of one of the values (polymorphic form).


MULTI expr1, ..., exprN [exclusionType]


The MULTI operator creates a property which value will be the value of one of the properties specified in the operator. The property selection condition is that the parameters match this property signature.


  • expr1, ..., exprN

    A list of expressions defining the properties from which the selection is made.

  • exclusionType

    Type of mutual exclusion. Determines whether several conditions for the property selection can be met simultaneously with a certain set of parameters. It is specified by one of the keywords:


    The EXCLUSIVE type indicates that the conditions for the property selection cannot be met simultaneously. The OVERRIDE type allows several conditions to be met simultaneously, in which case the first property in the list which selection condition is met will be selected.

    The EXCLUSIVE type is used by default.


nameMulti (Human h) = MULTI 'Male' IF h IS Male, 'Female' IF h IS Female;

CLASS Ledger;
CLASS InLedger : Ledger;
quantity = DATA INTEGER (InLedger);

CLASS OutLedger : Ledger;
quantity = DATA INTEGER (OutLedger);

signedQuantity (Ledger l) = MULTI quantity[InLedger](l), quantity[OutLedger](l);