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Version: 5.x

Coding conventions


  • Class names, module names, and namespace names begin with a capital letter. Other names (property, action, form, parameter, etc.) start with a lowercase letter. If the name consists of several words, then each subsequent word in the name begins with a capital letter.

    MODULE MyModule;

    NAMESPACE MyNamespace;

    CLASS MyClass 'My Class';

    myProperty 'My Property' = DATA BOOLEAN (MyClass);
    myAction 'My Action' (MyClass o) {
    myProperty(o) <- TRUE;

    FORM myForm
  • Module, requirements and namespace declarations must be separated by blank lines:

    MODULE MyModule;

    REQUIRE MyModule2;

    NAMESPACE MyNamespace;
  • =, <, >, <=, >=, +, - operators are separated on both sides by spaces.

    value(x) = 324
  • A space is placed after the comma. There should be no space before the comma.

    f(x, y, z) = g(x, y, z) + h(x, y);

    FORM test
    OBJECTS a = Class1, b = Class2
    PROPERTIES VALUE(a), VALUE(b), name(a), name(b)
  • Every new property or action declaration starts on a new line. If there is another code after the ;, then a space is placed after the character.

    runAction1 (X x) = { f(x) <- 1; g(x) <- 1; }
  • When declaring a property or action, a space is inserted between the name or type and the symbol (. When using a property, there is no space.

    nameProperty (MyClass o) = name(property(o));
    myProperty = DATA STRING[10] (MyClass);


  • Each "logically nested" line should have an offset by exactly 4 spaces. Actions are considered nested after IF, FOR, WHILE, as well as after the property declaration itself:

    IF x = 1 THEN
    f(a) <- TRUE;
  • Spaces are placed before and after symbols { and <-.

    FOR f(a) DO {
    x(a) <- TRUE;


    FOR f(a) DO { x(a) <- TRUE; }


  • Object declarations are separated by an empty line.
    FORM test
    OBJECTS a = Object

    OBJECTS b = Object