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Version: 6.x

ROUND operator

ROUND operator creates a property that implements the rounding operation.


ROUND(numExpr[, scaleExpr])


The ROUND operator creates a property whose value is a number rounded to a specified precision. The precision can be set to a negative value, which results in rounding the least significant digits in the integer part of the number.


  • numExpr

    Expression whose value determines the number to be rounded. The value must belong to one of the numerical classes.

  • scaleExpr

    Expression whose value determines the number of digits to which the number is rounded. The value of the expression must belong to the INTEGER class. A positive value indicates the number of digits after the decimal point, a negative value indicates the number of digits before the decimal point, and zero indicates rounding to the nearest integer. If not specified, it defaults to zero.


number = DATA NUMERIC[10,3]();  //12345.678
rounded = ROUND(number()); //12346
rounded1 = ROUND(number(), 2); //12345.68
rounded2 = ROUND(number(), -2); //12300

FORM roundTest
PROPERTIES() number, rounded, rounded1, rounded2;