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Version: 6.x

=> statement

The => statement creates a consequence.


leftPropertyId(param1, ..., paramN) => eventClause rightExpr [RESOLVE resolveType];


The => statement creates a consequence. This operator can declare its own local parameters when specifying the property of the consequence premise. These parameters can then be used in the expression of the consequence.

When creating a consequence a constraint will be created, which is pretty similar to the following statement

CONSTRAINT eventClause leftPropertyId(param1, ..., paramN) AND NOT rightExpr MESSAGE 'Consequence violated';

but it allows you to automatically resolve situations where this constraint is violated. So using type RESOLVE LEFT is similar to creating a simple event:

WHEN eventClause SET(leftPropertyId(param1, ..., paramN)) DO 

RESOLVE RIGHT, similarly:

WHEN eventClause DROPPED(leftPropertyId(param1, ..., paramN)) DO


  • leftPropertyId

    ID of the property specifying the consequence premise.

  • param1, ..., paramN

    List of parameters of the property that defines the premise of the consequence. The number of these parameters must be equal to the number of parameters of the property.

  • rightExpr

    Expression whose value determines the consequence.

  • resolveType

    Auto resolution type in case of violation of the consequence. Specified by one of the following options:

    • LEFT: if the premise (the left part of the statement) is changed to non-NULL, then the consequence changes to non NULL.
    • RIGHT: if the consequence (the right part of the statement) changes to NULL, then the premise changes to NULL.
    • LEFT RIGHT: similar to LEFT and RIGHT together.
  • eventClause

    Event description block. Describes an event upon the occurrence of which the created consequence will be checked and automatic resolution operations will be performed.


is(Sku s) = s IS Sku;
// the product must have a barcode and name specified
is(Sku s) => barcode(s);
is(Sku s) => name(s);

CLASS Invoice;
CLASS InvoiceLine;
invoice = DATA Invoice (InvoiceLine);
is(InvoiceLine l) = l IS InvoiceLine;
// for a document line, a document must be specified, and when deleting a document, the lines of this document should be deleted
is(InvoiceLine l) => invoice(l) RESOLVE RIGHT;
// is equivalent to declaring document = DATA Invoice (InvoiceLine) NONULL DELETE;

// aggregation for f(a, b) create an object of class x, whose property a(x) equals a, and property b(x) equals b

a = DATA A(X);
b = DATA B(X);
is (X x) = x IS X;

f(a,b) => [ GROUP AGGR X x WHERE x IS X BY a(x), b(x)](a,b) RESOLVE LEFT;
is(X x) => f(a(x), b(x)) RESOLVE RIGHT;