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Version: 6.x

READ operator

The READ operator creates an action that reads a file to a property from an external resource.


READ [CLIENT [DIALOG]] urlExpr [TO propertyId]


The READ operator creates an action that reads a file from an external resource at the URL specified, and then writes the result file to the specified property.

The following URL types are supported:


If the value of the property to which the file is written belongs to the FILE class, the file extension from the URL is also written to its value along with the file.



    Keyword. If specified, the action will be executed on the client side. By default, the action is executed on the server.


    Keyword. If specified, before writing the file a dialog will be shown in which the user can change the specified URL. This can be used only when writing to the disk (the URL type is file). By default, the dialog is not shown.

  • urlExpr

    An expression whose value is the URL from which to read. The value of the expression must be a string type.

  • propertyId

    The ID of the property to which read data should be written. This property must not have parameters and its value must be of a file class (FILE, RAWFILE, JSONFILE, etc.). If this property is not specified, the System.exportFile property is used by default.


readFiles()  {

LOCAL importFile = FILE ();

//reading from FTP
READ '' TO importFile;
//reading from SFTP
READ 's' TO importFile;
//reading from FILE
READ 'D://lsfusion/file.xlsx' TO importFile;
READ 'file://D://lsfusion/file.xlsx' TO importFile;

connectionString = DATA STRING[100]();
importXls 'Import markups'() {
LOCAL importFile = FILE ();
READ connectionString() + '@SELECT field1, field2 FROM myTable' TO importFile;

IMPORT TABLE FROM importFile() TO field1, field2;