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Version: 6.x

INPUT operator

The INPUT operator creates an action that inputs a primitive.


INPUT inputOptions 
[CHANGE [= changeExpr]]
[DO actionOperator [ELSE elseActionOperator]]

inputOptions - input options. Specified by one of the following syntaxes:

[alias =] builtInClassName
[alias] = expr


The INPUT operator creates an action which allows to request the value of one of the built-in classes from the user.


  • builtInClassName

    The name of one of the built-in classes.

  • expr

    An expression, which value determines the initial value of the input.

  • alias

    The name of the local parameter to which the input result is written. Simple ID.


    A keyword specifying that in addition to the value input the result needs to be written to the specified property.

  • changeExpr

    An expression that determines the property to which the input result is written. By default, the property specified as the initial input value is used.

  • actionOperator

    A context-dependent action operator that is executed if the input was completed successfully.

  • elseActionOperator

    A context-dependent action operator that is executed if the input was cancelled. The input result parameter cannot be used as parameters.


changeCustomer (Order o)  {
INPUT s = STRING[100] DO {
customer(o) <- s;
MESSAGE 'Customer changed to ' + s;
MESSAGE 'Customer dropped';

FORM order
OBJECTS o = Order
PROPERTIES(o) customer ON CHANGE changeCustomer(o)

testFile {
INPUT f = FILE DO { // requesting a dialog to select a file
open(f); // opening the selected file