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Version: 6.x

How-to: Filtering and ordering

Example 1


There are remaining books in stock.

CLASS Book 'Book';
name 'Name' = DATA ISTRING[100] (Book);

CLASS Stock 'Warehouse';
name 'Name' = DATA ISTRING[100] (Stock);

// for example it is made a data property, although usually it is calculated
balance 'Balance' = DATA INTEGER (Book, Stock);

We need to create a form to display the balances of books in a given stock in alphabetical order.


FORM onStockObject 'Balances'

OBJECTS b = Book
PROPERTIES READONLY name(b), balance(b, s)
ORDERS name(b)

// Option 1
FILTERS balance(b, s)

// Option 2
FILTER 'With positive balance' balance(b, s) > 0 'F10'
FILTER 'With negative balance' balance(b, s) < 0 'F9'
FILTER 'With balance' balance(b, s) 'F8' DEFAULT
FILTER 'No remainder' NOT balance (b, s) 'F7'

Option 1 sets up a fixed filter that the user cannot remove. Option 2 allows the user to choose between predefined criteria (by default the one for which the DEFAULT option is set).

Example 2


Similar to Example 1.

We need to create a form to display remaining books in several warehouses, with the possibility of filtering by a specific warehouse. Ordering should be first by warehouse, and within that by book title.


filterStock = DATA LOCAL Stock ();
nameFilterStock 'Warehouse' = name(filterStock());

FORM onStockLocal 'Balances'
PROPERTIES() nameFilterStock

OBJECTS sb = (s = Stock, b = Book)
PROPERTIES READONLY name(s), name(b), balance(b, s)
ORDERS name(s), name(b)

FILTERS s == filterStock() OR NOT filterStock()

In this case a warehouse cannot be declared via the OBJECTS block, because then not specifying a warehouse for filtering will not be an option.

Example 3


There is a list of orders for certain customers

CLASS Customer 'Customer';
name 'Name' = DATA ISTRING[100] (Customer);

CLASS Order 'Order';
date 'Date' = DATA DATE (Order);

customer 'Customer' = DATA Customer (Order);
nameCustomer 'Customer' (Order o) = name(customer(o));

We need to create a form to display the list of orders allowing to filter by date and/or customer. By default, orders should be in descending date order.


filterCustomer = DATA LOCAL Customer ();
nameFilterCustomer 'Customer' = name(filterCustomer());

FORM orders 'Orders'
PROPERTIES() nameFilterCustomer

OBJECTS dates = (dateFrom = DATE, dateTo = DATE) PANEL
PROPERTIES df = VALUE(dateFrom), dt = VALUE(dateTo)

OBJECTS o = Order
PROPERTIES(o) READONLY do = date, nameCustomer
FILTERS date(o) >= dateFrom, date(o) <= dateTo,
customer(o) == filterCustomer() OR NOT filterCustomer()

It should be noted that the dates in this case should always be selected (by default, the current date will be set when the form is opened). But it is possible not to select a customer.

Also, note that what is set in ORDER BY is not an expression but a specific property added to the form. Thus, we cannot order by a property that has not been added to the form.