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Version: 6.x

Sequence ({...})

To create an action that performs a sequence of other actions, the {...} operator is used - a block enclosed by curly brackets. The body of this block must contain a sequence of action operators and local property declarations.


To declare an action that executes a sequence of other actions, use the {...} operator.


CLASS Currency;
name = DATA STRING[30] (Currency);
code = DATA INTEGER (Currency);

CLASS Order;
currency = DATA Currency (Order);
customer = DATA STRING[100] (Order);
copy 'Copy' (Order old) {
// an action is created that consists of the sequential execution of two actions
NEW new = Order {
currency(new) <- currency(old); // a semicolon is put after each statement
customer(new) <- customer(old);
} // there is no semicolon in this line, because the operator ends in }

loadDefaultCurrency(ISTRING[30] name, INTEGER code) {
NEW c = Currency {
name(c) <- name;
code(c) <- code;
run () {
loadDefaultCurrency('USD', 866);
loadDefaultCurrency('EUR', 1251);