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Version: 5.x

Property options

When a property is declared in the = statement a set of property options can be specified at the end of the declaration


Options are listed one after another in arbitrary order, separated by spaces or line feeds:

propertyOption1 ... propertyOptionN

The following set of options is supported (the syntax of each option is indicated on a separate line):

IN groupName
ON eventType { actionOperator }
TABLE tableName
NONULL [DELETE] eventClause
REGEXP rexpr [message]

Description and parameters

  • IN groupName

    Specifying the group of properties and actions to which the property belongs. If the option is not specified, then the property will belong by default to the group System.private.


    Keyword marking the property as materialized. These properties will be stored in the database's table fields.

  • TABLE tableName

    Specifies the table where the property will be stored. The number of table keys must be equal to the number of property arguments, and the argument classes must match the table key classes. If no table is specified, the property will automatically be placed in the "nearest" existing table in the system.

    • tableName

      Table name. Composite ID.


    Keyword. If specified, an index by this property is created. Similar to using the INDEX statement.

    • LIKE

      Keyword. If specified, creates GIN index instead of the usual index.

    • MATCH

      Keyword. If specified, creates GIN index and GIN index with to_tsvector instead of the usual index.

  • NONULL [DELETE] eventClause

    Adds a definiteness constraint. If this constraint is violated as a result of some changes for some objects, either the corresponding message will be displayed, or, if DELETE is specified, such objects will be deleted.

    • DELETE

      Keyword that, if specified, then when the property becomes NULL, objects that are property arguments will be deleted.

    • eventClause

      Event type description block. Describes the event by which the property will be checked for NULL.

Interactive view block

  • viewType

    Specifying the type of property view when added to the form.

    • GRID - table column
    • TOOLBAR - toolbar
    • PANEL - panel

    It is similar to specifying the viewType option in the property block of the FORM statement. Thus, if this option is not specified either in the property options or in the property block directly on the form, the default view of the property display group on the form is used.

  • ON eventType { actionOperator }

    Specifying an action that will be the default handler of a certain form event for all the interactive views of this property. Can be overridden in the property block of the FORM statement.

    • eventType

      Type of form event. Specified by one of the following options:

      • CHANGE - occurs when the user tries to change the value of a property.
      • CHANGEWYS - occurs when the user tries to change the value of the specified property using a special input mechanism.
      • GROUPCHANGE - occurs when the user tries to change the property value for all objects in the table (group editing).
      • EDIT - occurs when the user tries to edit the object that is the value of the specified property.
      • CONTEXTMENU [caption] - the user has selected the specified item in the property context menu on the form. If necessary, you can also define the caption of this menu item (string literal). If it is not specified, then, by default, it will be the same as the action caption.
    • actionOperator

      Context-dependent action operator. An operator that defines the action executed on an event. You can use the parameters of the property itself as operator parameters.

DESIGN statement default values block


    Specifying the number of characters of the property value that should be visible to the user. Sets the value for the default design, can be overridden in a DESIGN statement.

    • width

      Number of characters. Integer literal.

    • FLEX

      Keyword. If specified, the extension coefficient of the property value is automatically set equal to its base size.

    • NOFLEX

      Keyword. If specified, the extension coefficient of the property value is automatically set equal to zero.

  • REGEXP rexpr [message]

    Specifying a regular expression to which the property value should correspond after editing. Sets the value for the default design and can be overridden in the DESIGN statement.

    • rexpr

      A string literal that describes the regular expression. Rules are similar to the rules accepted in Java .

    • message

      String literal describing the message that will be shown to the user if they enter a value that does not match the regular expression. If not specified, a default message will be displayed.

  • ECHO

    A keyword that causes asterisk * characters to be displayed instead of a property value. Used, for example, for passwords. Can be overridden in the DESIGN statement.


    Specifies a key combination which triggers editing of this property. Sets the value for the default design and can be overridden in the DESIGN statement.

    • key

      String literal describing the key combination. The method of specifying is similar to the method of specifying a parameter in the Java class method Keystroke.getKeystroke (String).

    • SHOW

      Keyword. When specified, the key combination will be displayed in the property caption. Used by default.

    • HIDE

      Keyword. When specified, the key combination will not be displayed in the property caption.

  • DEFAULTCOMPARE [compare]

    Specifies a default filter type for the property.

    • compare

      Default filter type. String literal. Can be one the following values: =, >, <, >=, <=, !=, CONTAINS, LIKE. The default value is = for all data types except case-insensitive string types, for which the default value is CONTAINS. If System.defaultCompareForStringContains is enabled, default value is CONTAINS for all string data regardless of case sensitivity. Can be overridden in the DESIGN statement.


// property defined by the context-independent DATA property operator
cost 'Cost' (i) = DATA NUMERIC[12,3] (Item);

// property defined by expression
weightedSum 'Weighted amount' (a, b) = 2*a + 3*b;

// the caption of this property will be 'diff' and the parameters will be (a, b)
diff = a - b;

// property defined by DATA operator with additional property options
teamName 'Team name' = DATA BPSTRING[30](Team) IN baseGroup TABLE team;