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Version: 5.x

NEW operator

The NEW operator creates an action that creates objects of the specified class.


NEW className [WHERE whereExpr] [TO propertyId(prm1, ..., prmN)]


The NEW operator creates an action which creates objects of the specified class and writes them as the returned values of certain properties. This operator can add its local parameters when defining a condition in the WHERE block. These parameters correspond to the objects being iterated for which the object will be created and are not parameters of the created action.

The TO block is used to define the data property to which value the created object is written.


There is a special option with the same name (NEW) in the FOR operator for creating objects, and it is recommended to use it when possible.


  • className

    Name of the custom class for the created objects. Composite ID.

  • whereExpr

    An expression which value is the condition of the created action. In this expression you can both access already declared parameters and declare new local parameters.

  • propertyId

    An ID of the property to which value the created objects are written. If the property is not specified, then:

    • if the condition is not defined, it is automatically set to System.addedObject[]
    • if the condition is defined, the created objects are not written anywhere
  • prm1, ..., prmN

    A list of data property parameter names. You can use only the local parameters that were added in the WHERE block. The number of parameters in the list must be equal to the number of parameters of the data property.


newSku () {
LOCAL addedSkus = Sku (INTEGER);
NEW Sku WHERE iterate(i, 1, 3) TO addedSkus(i);
FOR Sku s = addedSkus(i) DO {
id(s) <- 425;
name(s) <- 'New Sku';