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Version: 5.x

CLASS statement

CLASS statement - creating a new custom class.


CLASS ABSTRACT name [caption] [: parent1, ..., parentN];

CLASS [NATIVE] name [caption]
objectName1 [objectCaption1],
objectNameM [objectCaptionM]
[: parent1, ..., parentN];


The CLASS statement declares a new class and adds it to the current module.

The statement has two forms: CLASS ABSTRACT for declaring an abstract class and just CLASS for declaring a concrete class. In the latter case, during declaration, you can declare the static objects of this class and specify their names and captions in a curly brackets block.

The NATIVE keyword is used in some system modules. It is used to declare individual system classes that are created before the modules are initialized.


  • name

    Class name. Simple ID. The name must be unique within the current namespace.

  • caption

    Class caption. String literal. If the caption is not defined, the name of the class will be its caption.

  • objectName1, ..., objectNameM

    The names of static objects of this class. Each name is defined by a simple ID. Name values are stored in the System.staticName system property.

  • objectCaption1, ..., objectCaptionM

    Captions of static objects of this class. Each caption is a string literal. If the caption is not defined, the name of the static object will be its caption. Caption values are stored in the System.staticCaption system property.

  • parent1, ..., parentN

    List of parent class names. Each name is defined by a composite ID. If the list of parent classes is not specified, the class is inherited from the System.Object class.


CLASS ABSTRACT Document; // The caption of this class will be 'Document'
CLASS IncomeDocument 'Income' : Document;
CLASS OutcomeDocument 'Expenses' : Document;

CLASS Person;
CLASS Worker;
CLASS Musician : Person, Worker; // multiple inheritance

CLASS Barcode 'Barcode'; // The parent class of Barcode will be the System.Object class

CLASS PrintOrientation {
portrait 'Portrait',
landscape 'Landscape'