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Version: 4.x

INTERNAL operator

The INTERNAL operator creates an action that executes an internal call.


The operator has two forms:

INTERNAL className [(classId1, ..., classIdN)] [NULL]
INTERNAL <{anyTokens}> [NULL]


The INTERNAL operator creates an action which calls the code written in Java programming language. The first form of the operator allows you to specify the fully qualified name of a Java class. This class must be inherited from the Java class and must contain the executeInternal method which is executed when the action is called.

The second form of the operator allows to write some Java code inside the <{...}> block. This block contents will be the code of executeInternal method for the generated Java class. In this code you can refer to the only parameter of the executeInternal method – the context parameter of the lsfusion.server.logics.action.controller.context.ExecutionContext class.


  • className

    The fully qualified name of the Java class. String literal.

  • classId1, ..., classIdN

    A list of class IDs of the action arguments. If not specified, the created action will have no parameters.

  • NULL

    If this keyword is used, you can pass NULL parameters to the action.

  • anyTokens

    Source code written in Java.


showOnMap 'Show on map' 

serviceDBMT 'DB maintenance (multithreaded, threadCount, timeout)'
INTERNAL 'lsfusion.server.physics.admin.service.action.ServiceDBMultiThreadAction' (INTEGER, INTEGER) NULL;

printlnAction 'Print text to the console' INTERNAL <{System.out.println("action test"); }>;
// here context is a parameter of executeInternal method
setNoCancelInTransaction() INTERNAL <{ context.getSession().setNoCancelInTransaction(true); }>;