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Version: 4.x

How-to: Internationalization

The system supports internationalization by passing to the client values localized according to the language chosen by the user. All values in braces are localized. Let's assume that we need to implement a simple form with a list of books and their prices that we can create/delete.

We will declare logic in the usual way, but instead of specifying names explicitly, we will be using IDs.

CLASS Book '{}';

name '{}' = DATA STRING[40] (Book);
price '{}' = DATA STRING[40] (Book);

FORM books '{}'
OBJECTS b = Book
PROPERTIES(b) name, price, NEW, DELETE

NEW books;

We will then create a new Resource Bundle and will save our Id values in different languages to it:

Let's call it I18nResourceBundle (the system will only read files ending in 'ResourceBundle') and choose the languages to be used:

After that, we define values for each Id in each of the selected languages:

Upon execution, all values, by default, will be shown in the server language (which, in turn, is defined by the Os language by default):

You can change the language and country settings for a particular user in their profile:

In this case, when the user logs in to the system again, everything will be shown in the selected language:

Ids can also be used in expressions:

description '{}' (Book b) = STRING[60] (name(b) + ', {} : ' + price(b));

Remember that such expressions cannot be used in materializations.

The system cannot automatically localize user data. The developer is responsible for this.