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Version: 4.x


How to read these sections

  1. Computations: The mechanism for composing computable properties.
  2. GUI: Development of a graphical user interface.
  3. Imperative logic: Development of actions, events, and constraints.
  4. Declarative logic: Development of constraints and aggregations, and also inheritance of custom classes.
  5. Searching for elements: Description of the mechanisms of calling certain system elements from other elements.
  6. Extensions: Extension of the functionality of declared system elements.
  7. Integration: Description of interactions with 3rd party systems.
  8. Metaprogramming: The mechanism for generating reusable code based on metacode.
  9. Physical model: Definition of a scheme for storing data in a relational database.
  10. Internationalization: Description of the naming rules for system elements in different languages.
  11. Use Cases: Common use cases.