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Version: 4.x

FORMULA operator

The FORMULA operator creates a property that implements a custom formula.


FORMULA [NULL] [className] [syntaxType1] text1, ..., [syntaxTypeN] textN


The FORMULA operator creates a property that executes an arbitrary formula in SQL. It is possible to specify different formulas for different SQL dialects so that these properties are portable between different DBMSs.

This property operator cannot be used inside expressions.


  • NULL

    Keyword specifying that the property being created may return NULL if all parameter values are non-NULL. If not specified, then the property must be defined so that for non-NULL parameters it will always return a non-NULL value (failure to fulfill this condition may lead to unpredictable results)

  • className

    The name of the builtin class of the value returned by the property. If not specified, the resulting class is considered to be the common ancestor of all property operands.

  • syntaxType1, ..., syntaxTypeN

    Keywords defining SQL dialect types. The following types are currently supported:

    • PG - PostgreSQL syntax
    • MS - MS SQL Server syntax

    If the dialect type is not specified explicitly, then the corresponding formula text is set as the default text. Each of the types (or the lack of a type) must appear in the operator no more than once.

  • text1, ..., textN

    String literals, each of which contains a formula in SQL syntax. The notation $1, $2 etc. is used to pass property parameters to the formula, where the number denotes the property parameter number. Parameter numbers start from 1. The number of parameters in the created property will be equal to the maximum parameter number specified in the description of the formula.


// a property with two parameters: a rounded number and the number of decimal places
round(number, digits) = FORMULA 'round(CAST(($1) as numeric),$2)';

// a property that converts the value passed as an argument to a 15-character string.
toString15(str) = FORMULA BPSTRING[15] 'CAST($1 AS character(15))';

// a property with two different implementations for different SQL dialects
jumpWorkdays = FORMULA NULL DATE PG 'jumpWorkdays($1, $2, $3)', MS 'dbo.jumpWorkdays($1, $2, $3)';