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Version: 4.x

EXCLUSIVE operator

The EXCLUSIVE operator creates a property that implements a selection of one of the values (polymorphic form).


EXCLUSIVE expr1, ..., exprN


The EXCLUSIVE operator creates a property whose value will be the value of one of the properties specified in the operator. It is assumed that for any set of parameters, at most one of the properties will be non-NULL. The value of the property will be the value of this single non-NULL property, or NULL if there are no such properties.


  • expr1, ..., exprN

    List of expressions whose values will determine the value of the property.


background 'Color' (INTEGER i) = EXCLUSIVE RGB(255,238,165) IF i <= 5,
RGB(255,160,160) IF i > 5;

CLASS Human;

CLASS Male : Human;
CLASS Female : Human;

name(Human h) = EXCLUSIVE 'Male' IF h IS Male, 'Female' IF h IS Female;