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Version: 6.x


Example 1


We have a set of books, where each book has a unique ID.

CLASS Book 'Book';

id 'Number' = DATA INTEGER (Book);

We need to find the maximum book ID.


maxId 'Maximum number' () = GROUP MAX id(Book b);

Example 2


Similar to Example 1.

We need to find a Book object by book ID.


// Option 1
book1 'Book' (INTEGER i) = GROUP MAX Book b BY id(b);

// Option 2
book2 'Book' (INTEGER i) = GROUP AGGR Book b BY id(b);

The difference between Option 2 and Option 1 is that declaration of this property puts a constraint on the uniqueness of book IDs. Any attempt to add two or more books with the same ID will result in the error message.

Example 3


We have a set of books, where each book is associated with a category and price.

CLASS Category 'Category';

category 'Category' = DATA Category (Book);
price 'Price' = DATA NUMERIC[10,2] (Book);

We need to calculate the minimum price per category.


minPrice 'Minimum price' (Category c) = GROUP MIN price(Book b) BY category(b);

Example 4


We have a book shipment document.

CLASS Shipment 'Shipment';
CLASS ShipmentDetail 'Shipment line';
shipment 'Shipment' = DATA Shipment (ShipmentDetail) NONULL DELETE;

book 'Book' = DATA Book (ShipmentDetail);

We need to find a line with a given shipment by shipment document and book.


shipmentDetail 'Shipment line' (Shipment s, Book b) = GROUP MAX ShipmentDetail d BY shipment(d), book(d);

You can use this property to implement the Search functionality when inputting a shipment document.