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Version: 6.x

In an interactive view (SHOW, DIALOG)

This operator creates an action that opens a form in the interactive view.

Flow management

The operator works in two modes:

  • Synchronous (WAIT) - waits for the user to close the form, then saves the execution results and passes control to the next action.
  • Asynchronous (NOWAIT) - passes control to the next action right after opening a form on the client end.

By default, the operator works in the synchronous mode.

Form location

A form being opened can be shown in two ways:

  • As a window (FLOAT)- the form is shown as a floating window.
  • As a tab (DOCKED) - the form is opened as a tab in the system window System.forms.

By default, forms in the synchronous mode are shown as windows, in the asynchronous mode – as tabs.


In the current implementation of the platform, a form shown as a window is always modal, which means that the "asynchronous window" mode is not supported.

System action management

By default, when the interactive view is enabled, the platform automatically determines which system actions of the form/session lifecycle management should be shown and which not. But since these conditions are somewhat heuristic, the developer can use a corresponding set of options to specify the actions that need to be shown when the form is opened. Similarly, the corresponding option can be used to specify whether the form is the owner of the session in which it is opened or not.

Dialog form

This operator also allows to return the latest current value of a specified object (or, if necessary, of several objects), thus, essentially, performing value input. In this case, input is considered to be canceled if the user closes the form using System.formClose (not System.formOk).

While inputting a value, it is sometimes necessary to not just choose one from a list, but also allow the user to return a NULL value. For this purpose, the dialog form has a special option that, if enabled, shows the drop action (System.formDrop) on the form. Calling this action closes the form and returns a NULL value as a result.

Similar to the other value input operators, the dialog form of this operator allows to:

In addition, if a value is entered to input to change the specified property, it is often necessary (at the value selection stage) to show the user not all object collections, but only those ones, whose selection (and subsequent change with these objects) will not violate existing constraints. Accordingly, so that the developer does not have to copy the form and manually add the necessary filter, the platform automatically generates and adds corresponding filters to the form (this behavior, however, can be disabled using a corresponding option).

The operator dialog form is available in the synchronous mode only.

Extra features

When opening a form, you can specify that all of its properties should be available in the "read-only"mode. In this case, the behavior will be identical to the behavior when during form creation, the "read-only" mode is specified for each property view.

Also, when calling the form, you can specify that it will be opened in a new (nested) session. In this case, passing objects and value input will be performed in the current session (so it makes sense to use this option only if you need to pass objects and/or input a value; otherwise, it makes more sense to use a new session operator).


To open a form in the interactive view, use the SHOW operator. To show the form in the dialog mode, use the DIALOG operator.


date = DATA DATE (Order);
FORM showForm
OBJECTS dateFrom = DATE, dateTo = DATE PANEL

OBJECTS o = Order
FILTERS date(o) >= dateFrom, date(o) <= dateTo

testShow () {
SHOW showForm OBJECTS dateFrom = 2010_01_01, dateTo = 2010_12_31;

NEW s = Sku {
FORM selectSku

testDialog {
MESSAGE 'Selected sku : ' + id(s);

sku = DATA Sku (OrderDetail);
idSku (OrderDetail d) = id(sku(d));

changeSku (OrderDetail d) {
DIALOG selectSku OBJECTS s = sku(d) CHANGE;

//equivalent to the first option
sku(d) <- s;