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Version: 5.x

How-to: IF/CASE

Example 1


We have a list of books associated with certain categories. Each book is assigned a price.

CLASS Book 'Book';
name 'Name' = DATA ISTRING[50] (Book);

CLASS Category 'Category' {
novel 'Novel',
thriller 'Thriller',
fiction 'Fiction'

category 'Category' = DATA Category (Book);
price 'Price' = DATA NUMERIC[14,2] (Book);

We need to create an action that sets a given price for books associated with the specific category and a fixed price for all other books. When no category is selected, the error message must appear.


setPriceIf 'Set price' (Book b)  {
IF NOT category(b) THEN
MESSAGE 'No category selected for the book';
IF category(b) == Category.novel THEN
price(b) <- 50.0;
price(b) <- 100.0;

Example 2


Similar to Example 1.

We need to create an action that sets pre-defined prices for books associated with any of the three categories and sets zero price for all other books.


setPriceCase 'Set price' (Book b)  {
WHEN category(b) == Category.novel THEN
price(b) <- 50.0;
WHEN category(b) == Category.thriller THEN
price(b) <- 100.0;
WHEN category(b) == Category.fiction THEN
price(b) <- 150.0;
price(b) <- 0.0;