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Version: 5.x

How-to: EXEC

Example 1


We have a category of books for which a title, a numerical code, and a start date for sales are defined.

CLASS Category 'Category';

name 'Name' = DATA ISTRING[50] (Category);
id 'Code' = DATA INTEGER (Category);
saleDate 'Sales start date' = DATA DATE (Category);

We need to create an action that creates 3 new predefined categories.


createCategory 'Create category' (ISTRING[50] name, INTEGER id, DATE saleDate)  {
NEW c = Category {
name(c) <- name;
id(c) <- id;
saleDate(c) <- saleDate;

create3Categories 'Create 3 categories' () {
createCategory('Category 1', 1, 2010_02_14);
createCategory('Category 2', 2, 2011_03_08);
createCategory('Category 3', 3, 2014_07_01);

Example 2


Similar to Example 1, except that each category has a "parent".

parent 'Parent' = DATA Category (Category); // if the value is NULL, then there is no parent

We need to create an action that fills category depth for each category.


depth = DATA INTEGER (Category);
fillDepth (Category c, INTEGER depth) {
FOR parent(Category i) == c DO {
depth(i) <- depth;
fillDepth(i, depth + 1);

run() {
fillDepth(NULL, 0);