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Version: 6.x

GROUP operator

The GROUP operator creates a property implementing grouping.


type expr1, ..., exprN
[ORDER [DESC] orderExpr1, ..., orderExprK]
[TOP topExpr] [OFFSET offsetExpr]
[WHERE whereExpr]
[BY groupExpr1, ..., groupExprM]


The GROUP operator creates a property implementing grouping. The type of grouping is determined by the type of the aggregate function. This operator differs from others in that it can implicitly declare its parameters in the expressions used (by analogy with the = statement when the parameters are not defined explicitly). At the same time, it is important to understand that these "implicitly declared" parameters are not parameters of the created property (which are actually determined by the BY block and / or the upper parameters used)

The BY block describes group expressions. Each expression corresponds to a parameter of the property being created. As in other operators, upper parameters can be used in this operator, and the used parameters also implicitly become groups of the created property. Accordingly, when using the operator in the = statement and explicitly defining the parameters on the left, the expressions from the BY block are mapped only for unused parameters. Moreover, if the classes or the number of these parameters do not match the number / classes of BY expressions then the platform will throw an error.


If a BY block is defined, this operator cannot be used inside expressions.

The ORDER block defines the order in which the aggregate function will be calculated. Can only be used for non-commutative aggregate functions (CONCAT, LAST ) and must be uniquely defined. If a new parameter is declared in the expressions specifying the order (i.e. parameter is not used in the remaining blocks or in the upper context), the condition of non-NULLness of all these expressions is automatically added.

The WHERE block defines the condition under which object collections will participate in the group operation. Can only be used for the aggregate functions AGGR, NAGGR, LAST.


For AGGR and NAGGR using this block explicitly (and not, say, an IF operator in GROUP and BY blocks) only makes sense from the perspective of being able to change the created property to non-NULL in some automatic mechanisms of the platform (for example, automatic resolution of simple constraints).


  • type

    Type of aggregate function. Can be one of the following: SUM, MAX, MIN, CONCAT, EQUAL, AGGR, NAGGR, LAST.

  • expr1, ..., exprN

    A list of expressions whose values are passed to the aggregate function as operands. The number of expressions should correspond to the number of operands of the function used.

  • groupExpr1, ..., groupExprN

    List of group expressions.

  • DESC

    Keyword. Specifies a reverse iteration order for object collections.

  • orderExpr1, ..., orderExprM

    A list of expressions that define the order in which object collections will be iterated over when calculating the aggregate function. To determine the order, first the value of the first expression is used; then, if equal, the value of the second is used, etc.

  • TOP topExpr

    Only first n records will participate in the grouping, where n is value of expression topExpr.

  • OFFSET offsetExpr

    Only records with offset m will participate in the grouping, where m is value of expression offsetExpr.

  • whereExpr

    Filtering expression. Only object groups for which the value of the filtering expression is not NULL will participate in the grouping.


hostGoals = DATA INTEGER (Game);
hostTeam = DATA Team (Game);
hostGoalsScored(team) = GROUP SUM hostGoals(Game game) BY hostTeam(game);

name = DATA STRING[100] (Country);
// property (STRING[100]) -> Country is obtained
countryName = GROUP AGGR Country country BY name(country);

name = DATA STRING[100] (Tag);
in = DATA BOOLEAN (Book, Tag);

tags(Book b) = GROUP CONCAT name(Tag t) IF in(b, t), ', ' ORDER name(t), t TOP 100 OFFSET 0;