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Version: 6.x

For production


In addition to installing lsFusion, these installers/scripts also install OpenJDK, PostgreSQL, and Tomcat. Tomcat is embedded into the lsFusion Client installation, and OpenJDK and PostgreSQL are installed separately (in particular, in separate folders).

Executable exe files: lsFusion 6.0-beta2 (OpenJDK 21.0.3, PostgreSQL 16.3, Tomcat 9.0.89, IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2024.1.4)

  • x64

  • Older versions
    • lsFusion 5.1 Server & Client
    • lsFusion 4.1 Server & Client
    • lsFusion 3.1 Server & Client
    • lsFusion 2.4 Server & Client

Subsequently, $INSTALL_DIR$ refers to the folder selected during the installation of lsFusion (by default, Program Files/lsFusion <version>). It is also assumed that all parameters (ports, web context name) are left equal to default values.

After Installation


After the installation is completed, the following will by default be locally installed on the computer and launched as services:

  • DB server (PostgreSQL) on port 5432
  • application server (Server) on port 7652
  • web server (Client) on port 8080

Installing / updating an application

In order to upload the developed logic to the installed application server (Server), you must:

Place modules developed in the lsFusion language as files with an lsf extension in a folder located in the server's classpath (default value for automatic installation, see below). In addition, the rest of the resource files if any must also be placed there (e.g. report files, compiled Java files, images, etc.). These files may be placed in subfolders of the classpath, as well as inside jar files (zip archives with the jar extension). After all the files have been copied, you need to restart the server.


It is often convenient to place all project files inside a single jar file. To generate such a file automatically, you can use Maven (with assemble and noserver profiles) or the build tools built into the IDE.

By default, the server's classpath is equal to $APP_DIR$;$APP_DIR$/*;server.jar, i.e. the $APP_DIR$ folder and all its subfolders, all jar files in the $APP_DIR$ folder (but not its subfolders), and also the jar file of the application server itself.

$APP_DIR$ is equal to $INSTALL_DIR$/lib

Installing / updating clients

To give users access to the installed system, you must:

Send users a link to http://<web address of the web server (Client)>:8080. When users open this link, they will be redirected by default to the login page, where, if necessary, they can install the desktop client via Java Web Start (requires Java (JDK) installed, for example, by following this link with registration or this one without). Web and desktop clients are updated automatically with updates to the web server (Client)


Under Windows, you can also use desktop client installers (lsfusion-desktop-* files with the correct OS version and bit width). However, unlike installing with Java Web Start, a desktop client installed in this way will not be automatically updated. Therefore, you will need to update it manually by downloading the file of the new version of the desktop client (lsfusion-client-6.<new version>.jar) from the central server and replacing the $INSTALL_DIR$/client.jar file with it.


All paths and commands are given below for the major version 6 of the platform (for other versions just replace 6 with the required number, for example lsfusion6-serverlsfusion11-server)

All paths by default


Programs installed separately (OpenJDK, PostgreSQL) are also updated separately (for more details about this process, see the documentation for these programs)

Platform components are also updated separately from each other. To do this, you must download the file of the new version of the component from the central server and replace the following file with it:

Application Server (Server)File on the central server: lsfusion-server-6.<new version>.jar
File to replace: $INSTALL_DIR$/Server/server.jar
Web server (Client)File on the central server: lsfusion-server-5.<new version>.jar
File to replace: $INSTALL_DIR$/Client/webapps/ROOT.war
To update Tomcat, you need to download the archive with the new version of Tomcat and unzip it to the $INSTALL_DIR$/Client folder without the webapps directory and the startup parameters file

Custom installation

If any of the programs listed in the installation (platform components) do not need to be installed / are already installed on your computer:

These programs can be excluded during installation using the corresponding graphical interface.

When installing platform components on different computers, it is also necessary to configure the parameters to connect them to each other

Components on different computersConnection parametersConfigurable file
DB server and application server (Server)Application server to DB serverFile lsFusion application server startup parameters
Application server (Server) and web server (Client)Web server to application serverFile lsFusion web server startup parameters

When installing under Windows, the above parameters are requested during the installation process and the parameter files are configured automatically.

Manual setup (file paths, service names)

Startup parameters

Application server (Server)Java tab in the graphical interface $INSTALL_DIR/Server/bin/lsfusion6_serverw.exe
classpath - the Classpath parameter in the same tab
$INSTALL_DIR/Server/conf/ file
Web server (Client)Java tab in the graphical interface $INSTALL_DIR/Client/bin/lsfusion6_serverw.exe$INSTALL_DIR/Client/conf/catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml file
Desktop clientJava parameters are set inside the j2se tag in the jnlp file.


Any changes made to the startup parameters, as well as changes to lsFusion modules, require a server restart (when changing lsFusion modules only the application server (Server)). This can be done with:

Application server (Server)

Control Panel > Admin > Services > lsFusion 6 Server
Command line
# Stop server
$INSTALL_DIR/Server/bin/lsfusion6_server.exe //SS//lsfusion6_server

# Start server
$INSTALL_DIR/Server/bin/lsfusion6_server.exe //ES//lsfusion6_server

Web server (Client)

Control Panel > Admin > Services > lsFusion 6 Client
Command line
# Stop server
$INSTALL_DIR/Client/bin/lsfusion6_client.exe //SS//lsfusion6_client

# Start server
$INSTALL_DIR/Client/bin/lsfusion6_client.exe //ES//lsfusion6_client


Platform logs are written to the following folders:

Application server (Server)$INSTALL_DIR$/Server/logs
Web server (Client)$INSTALL_DIR$/Client/logs
Desktop clientUsers/<username>/.fusion/logs

The main logs (including the process of stopping and starting the server) are located in:

  • Application server (Server) - stdout
  • Web server (Client) - catalina.out (since the web server runs on Tomcat).


The locale used by the platform is determined based on the locale installed in the operating system. If necessary, it can be changed with:

Control Panel > Language and Regional Standards