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Version: 6.x


Comments in a programming language allow you to add textual explanations and notes directly into the code without affecting its execution. In the lsFusion language, there are two types of comments: line comments and block comments.

Line Comments

Line comments are marked by two slashes //. Everything that follows these symbols until the end of the line is treated as a comment and is ignored by the interpreter.


// The version number should be increased when the API changes
apiVersion() = 23;

apiVersion() = 23; // The version number should be increased when the API changes

Block Comments

Block comments allow for more detailed explanations and can also be used to comment out portions of code within a single line. Block comments are enclosed between the sequences /* and */. Everything between these markers is treated as a comment.


REQUIRE System, Scheduler, Service, Backup, /*Eval, Chat,*/ SystemEvents;

The version number should be increased when the API changes.
This is necessary for correct operation.
apiVersion() = 23;