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Version: 6.x

ACTION+ statement

The ACTION+ statement adds an implementation (branching condition) to an abstract action.


[ACTION] actionId(param1, ..., paramN) + { implAction }
[ACTION] actionId(param1, ..., paramN) + WHEN whenExpr THEN { implAction }


The ACTION+ statement adds an implementation to an abstract action. The syntax for adding an implementation depends on the type of abstract action. If the abstract action is of type CASE, then the implementation should be described using WHEN ... THEN ... otherwise, the implementation should be described simply as an action.


  • actionId

    ID of the abstract action.

  • param1, ..., paramN

    List of parameters that will be used to define the implementation. Each element is a typed parameter. The number of these parameters must be equal to the number of parameters of the abstract action. These parameters can then be used in the implementation operator of the abstract property and in the selection condition expression of this implementation.

  • implAction

    Context-dependent action operator whose value determines the implementation of the abstract action.

  • whenExpr

    An expression whose value determines the selection condition of the implementation of an abstract property (action) that has type CASE.


whoAmI ABSTRACT ( Animal);

CLASS Dog : Animal;
whoAmI (Dog d) + { MESSAGE 'I am a dog!'; }

CLASS Cat : Animal;
whoAmI (Cat c) + { MESSAGE 'I am a сat!'; }

ask () {
FOR Animal a IS Animal DO
whoAmI(a); // a corresponding message will be shown for each object

onStarted ABSTRACT LIST ( );
onStarted () + {
name(Sku s) <- '1';
onStarted () + {
name(Sku s) <- '2';
// first, the 1st action is executed, then the 2nd action

CLASS Human;
name = DATA STRING[100] (Human);

testName ABSTRACT CASE ( Human);

testName (Human h) + WHEN name(h) == 'John' THEN { MESSAGE 'I am John'; }
testName (Human h) + WHEN name(h) == 'Bob' THEN { MESSAGE 'I am Bob'; }